And seems to me like a natural next step following in the amazing work done by the decomp team and pc port. However, I believe access to this game's source code in a higher level programming language opens it up to a wider pool of potentially capable developers / modders. What's wrong with Web Assembly / Emscripten Opportunity to refactor / rewrite with modern coding style and cleanup.Portablity: Sm64 projects can run on any device with a web browser anywhere without needing to download or install anything.More friendly to prototyping multiplayer custom games/mods.More friendly to importing other software modules/packages.

Extensibility: More access to more developers to add custom content.This project also includes the development of online mass multiplayer versions of sm64js and other custom multiplayer game modes. This project required creating a Javascript WebGL port of N64 Fast 3D Renderer originally implemented with OpenGL in C. Take the edge off of a full work week with a bit of Super Mario 64, available for download or playable right in your browser thanks to ingenious Unity. This is an ongoing work-in-progress port of the decompilation of original Nintendo game, Super Mario 64, to native Javascript (No Emulation) (No Web Assembly).