Cleaning your speakers would help improve the sound quality and boost volume. So, there is a high chance that it might be preventing your speakers from functioning correctly. If you have had your computer for a few years, it has probably gathered lots of dust over time. Click on the Apply button and then choose OK.

Playback devices have varying audio capabilities. If you have different playback devices connected to your computer, you may be trying to configure the wrong one. Below are the methods most Windows 10 users found effective. Today’s article will discuss some of the best ways to ensure the maximum volume on a Windows 10 computer. Some Windows issues might also affect the audio, thus getting a lower volume than usual from your machine. So, you must figure out how to boost the volume to ensure the best audio experience. Computers usually don’t have the biggest speakers. If you are here, you probably fall under this category. Most people nowadays love watching movies on their PCs.